The Metstar slate plus is a high-end paint tile imitating slate.

The Metstar Slate Plus can go right over top of existing asphalt shingles, eliminating the need for a messy and costly tear off. Its sleek design makes it easier to manufacture and install, which means significant cost savings to the homeowner. It doesn’t waste metal and doesn’t add finishing labour costs, but still gives you an elegant and durable look.

significant savings

Its elegant design makes it easier to manufacture and install, which means significant savings for the owner.

It does not waste metal and does not increase finishing labor costs, but still gives you an elegant and durable look. The Metstar Slate Plus roof is also designed for our planet. Not only does this avoid throwing millions of pounds of roofing material into our landfills, but the finish and colors make it very reflective.

Environmentalists call it High Albedo and we are proud to provide this at no additional cost to the owner. In fact, it comes at a lower cost to purchase, plus a lifetime of savings on heating in winter and air conditioning in summer.

Metstar Benefits


Designed for our planet


Resistant to all temperatures


50 year warranty


Reduces the need to cool your home

METSTAR certifications

  • Expert en toiture métallique à laval
  • Expert en toiture métallique à laval
  • Expert en toiture métallique à laval
  • Expert en toiture métallique à laval